Social Inclusion

Project Swasti

Project Swasti aims to provide customised health care to address physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing of the elderly people suffering from age related health problems. Pain management with naturopathy small techniques like yoga, Pranayama, Physical (joint/muscle mobility/relaxation) exercises with small manually operated physiotherapy equipment, Counselling for diet and other spiritual engagements and to cater specifically to the elderly people in the community. The project encompasses more than 200 elderly people .

Project Pariwartan

JSP Foundation initiated project Pariwartan with major focus on overall development of girl children at teh Raigarh Orphanage home. The primary objective of this project is to empower the underprivileged and disadvantaged girl child of the society through co-curricular and extra-curricular training to become self-confident and reliant.

Project Pariwartan

Nurturing the underprivileged and Socially Vulnerable Children through Jindal Prayas Yuva Connect: The project adopts a strategic approach by providing the ‘State-of-Art Facilities’ at the Centres of Excellence located at the Children Home for Boys Jahangirpuri and Children Home for Girls Tughlaqabad by inducting 75 Boys and 25 Girls from the impoverished and marginalized communities. The project is implemented in partnership with Prayas JAC Society in New Delhi. Through this the JSP Foundation strives to catch the young minds at a very young age and through consistent nurturing and mentoring by providing quality education, nutritional support, health services, psycho-social counselling, sports, yoga, music and other co-curricular activities in a residential set-up at both the Centre of Excellence, aimed at transforming their lives to make them a responsible citizen. Indeed, with the changing environment in context of employment opportunities, focus is to groom the children at the Centre of Excellence on developing acumen amongst the children on critical thinking, creative, multi-disciplinary and innovative. The Centres of Excellence emphasizes in building character, enable learners to be ethical, rational, compassionate and caring, while at the same to prepare them for gainful employment. Subsequently the project aims to expand to nurture 100 more children through satellite centres Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Bihar.

Jindal Elderly Care and Wellness Centre: Elderly abuse and elderly abandonment rate are on a steady increase resulting in the number of indigent elders to increase in India. Because of the abandonment, many of these elderlies are on the road left to die. Many elderlies are suffering from Alzheimer’s and Dementia and have lost their homes. Furthermore, they are in a poor condition with multiple diseases, no food and COVID-19 now putting them at the highest possible risk one can be while the world fights the pandemic.

With the increased labor migration post COVID-19 pandemic, the problem of elderly abandonment and abuse has increased since many elderlies are left behind by their children. Not only their physical condition has worsened due to lack of shelter, food, clothing, medicines but also their mental health has been affected adversely.

With a passion to serve to the abandoned senior citizens, the JSP Foundation has partnered with a 28 years old organization to provide nourishment and care to such people. The project is being implemented in collaboration with the Saint Hardyal Educational and Orphans Welfare Society at Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. 450 + senior citizens are being taken care at Garhmukteswar through this project. It is a special program for holistic care of senior citizens. The services include, food & nutrition, clothing, health, mental health and need based medical support for rescue & rehabilitation of the abandoned senior citizen in Delhi location. To provide food, shelter, and homely environment by ensuring the presence of Caregivers 24X7 to the rescued elderlies.
Major components of the project are to:

  • conduct pathology tests for prompt results of the ailments suffered by the elderly.
  • Ensure proper care through nurse and doctors for providing medical care.
  • provide clean and beautiful, mental and spritua environment to elderlies.
  • provide proper medicine to elderlies for their speedy recovery and relief.
  • psupport energy requirement in old age homes.
  • provide decent accommodation and infrastructure to inhabit elderlies.
Project Pariwartan

The COVID 19 pandemic has impacted mostly to the young tribal and rural children. Many of the children were left orphaned in the remote hinterlands and villages.

One such effort of the JSP Foundation was to cater to those parentless and single parent children who would have otherwise left without proper care which is why the Jindal Children Home is a conceptual result of the JSP Foundation for imparting all care to poor children. The Jindal Children home was inaugurated virtually by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh at Tamnar in Chhattisgarh. The Jindal Children home has a capacity of 100 children (50 girls & 50 boys). 86 Children (38 girls and 48 boys) reside at Jindal Children Home.

Along with quality education, extra-curricular activities like singing, dancing, music, sports, yoga, meditation & health care facilities are also taken care of for their holistic development. All the children are enrolled in OP Jindal School, Savitri Nagar, Tamnar. The home provides all advanced facilities for all the children. OP Jindal Hospital at Tamnar looks after the health and medical needs of the children on routine basis. The children are provided with good quality, nutritious and energy providing food. Individual needs and case profile of each children is being monitored by trained and well experienced staff. Sports like cricket, table tennis, badminton are being practised. Regular training on dance forms both modern and traditional, various art forms is a part of the curriculum. To ensure value based learnings, Spiritual classes and life lessons are taken care.
The Jindal Children's Home is equipped with all the facilities, trained staff, and quality services as per the standard requirements of the Juvenile Justice Act 2015 and Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Model Rules 2016. The Children Home also receives guidance from the District Child Protection Unit & Child Welfare Committee, Raigarh.